Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Hearing Center Can Help Ameliorate Childhood Hearing Loss ...

Health and Fitness | General health | * Written by Abraham Avotina | Monday, 06 August 2012 12:30 | Word Count: 525

Imagine taking your child to a pre school screening and they fail the hearing test. The person administering the test will likely tell you not to worry. Perhaps she sees this all the time. Children don't test well when they're distracted. But then you find yourself noticing that your child doesn't always hear people the first time. You dismiss it. The following year is the kindergarten screening, and the person from child development tells you your child is not hearing within normal ranges. Early detection is key. Your child may have a type of hearing loss that can be treated with a hearing aid or surgery. In fact, without treatment your child may fall behind in school quickly.

Your first step should be to contact your family physician. They may determine your child needs an audiologist. The audiologist specializes in hearing and balance. Before the appointment, verify the one you have selected sees children. The test used depends on age and development. A hearing center would suggest the appropriate test. For example, a baby about five months to two years would use a test called visual reinforcement audiometry. This would be a child sitting on a parent's lap in the middle of a room. When the child hears a noise they look toward it, seeing a light. Another option would be for older children. The child would be asked to put a toy in a bucket each time they hear a sound.

Auditory brainstem response evaluation can also be performed. Your child would have to be asleep or sedated, depending on his or her age. The hearing center would place leads on your child's head. These leads would measure how the brainstem reacts to sound.

Otoacoustic emissions testing is the other option. A microphone and speaker are inserted in the child's ear. This test measures the way the ear sends sound back out of the ear canal. When testing is complete your family should have a clear picture of what your child needs.
If your child has conductive or sensorineural losses, a medical or surgical treatment may be tried first. Your child may need a hearing aid as part of treatment. Hearing aids in children are somewhat different than they are for adults. As with the rest of your child the ears will continue to grow. While a hearing aid that fits into the ear might be preferred, it's not always the best option. A good option might be a behind the ear unit. A hearing center should be able to offer you all the options, helping you make the best decision for your child.

While a hearing aid is not going to fix the problem, it can help amplify sound. Now your child will be able to focus in class, and hear peers. Perhaps your child can even hear you when you tell him to pick up his dirty socks. Well, you can try.

At an eastern north carolina hearing center, audiologists can help you address your child?s hearing problems. For further information, visit http://www.miracle-ear-easternnc.com.

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Author of this article: Abraham Avotina.

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Abraham Avotina joined FAFY - Free Article For You on Monday, 10 January 2011.

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