Sunday, July 29, 2012

Advanced Fitness and Exercise: Body Weight Workout, Learn more ...

Sarah: Welcome to another fitness video I am Sarah your hose and once again I am joined by Bobby transformation expert Steven Cabral. Today he is going to be showing me the advance body weight work out. So no equipment necessary you can pretty much do it anywhere. So Steven what are we going to be doing today?Steven: Going through four separate exercises that can be done as two separate super sets or one giant circuit.Sarah: Okay so let us get started.Steven: All right.[Music Playing] All right our first exercise that we are going to do today is called T-twist push ups it is going to work on your upper body as well as your core muscles including your oblique. So I will have you get down into a push up position. Keeping your core engaged, I am going to have you go straight down into a push up. Good, your feet about foot apart, let them fall to the side as you reach up keeping your hips up, your core engage great work. Right back down push up and now alternate sides. Nice work, I am going to have you do anywhere from 16 to 20 reps today. Give you a nice little challenge. Second exercise today was called the pistol. So it is a one legged squat with your leg out in front. Hands right up in front, keep your core engage and I want you to sit back into that left hip. Let us have keep your eyes looking forward, sitting back trying not to let the front knee or your left knee to over the toe. Just sit back deep into that hip, good right back up. Keep your chest up, fix your eye on one point in front of you. Good then right back up. have you sit back in your left heel, keeping your chest up drive right back up through that heel. So breathe in, breathe out push back up hard. Nice work, so ten reps per side after you finish ten on your left you will switch to your right. All right Sarah third exercise if going to be down and up dog. So we are getting the downward facing dog position, hands down about shoulder width apart, pushing back weights on the heels. You want to keep your elbows in tight to your body and I want you to swoop down and forth keeping your nose close to the ground. Good, do not let the hips touch and now let us keep those elbows in face down, push back onto the heel great work. That is a really best exercise trying to keep those elbows in tight as in easy a lot of triceps involved. Good, back down, almost like a little push up position pushing back up. last exercise today is called Brazilian crunches. It is time to get down to push up position, good feet about shoulder width apart for this one if you like. Keeping the core engaged, I want you to drop one hip onto the other and try to bring the opposite knee to the opposite elbow. Right back down, so you never actually do a push up, you keep your elbows slightly bent the whole time and you bring one hip onto the other. Dropping down get into the knee to touch right above the elbow. Those are great. And so after we finish 20 to 24 reps of these you can even go higher on them, that will be your fourth exercise and you will be done for the work out. So with this you can either do two super sets again. So you do the first two exercises paired and the second two exercises paired for two to three sets or you can do all four exercises as one giant circuit. Either way did a great work out.


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