Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Carnival of Retirement ? 25th Edition - I Am 1 Percent

Welcome to the 25th edition of the Carnival of Retirement?the 1st carnival that I?m hosting!? I currently am maxing out my 401k, traditional IRA, and my wife?s SEP-IRA and I am looking to retire in my mid-50?s.? How are you doing in reaching your retirement goals??

Let the carnival begin!

Kurt Fischer @ Money Counselor writes American Family Money Status ? The financial meltdown, housing crash, and resulting depressed job market have devastated the average American family?s finances and prospects for a comfortable retirement. How do you compare?

Todd Tresidder @ Financial Mentor writes A Ridiculously Simple Way To Build Wealth ? The truth behind how to build wealth is public domain knowledge, simple to understand, and nobody is going to get rich selling it you. In fact, it is so simple it can be explained in just two sentences?

J.P. @ Novel Investor writes How to Get Your Social Security Statement Online ? A step by step guide on how to create a My Social Security account and access your Social Security statement online.

TB @ Blue Collar Workman writes A Blue Collar Plea for Teachers ? ?If you can read this, thank a teacher.? They hold up our society, but when it comes to retirement, a lot of teachers are in serious trouble.

Don @ MoneySmartGuides writes How To Invest When You Are Scared of The Stock Market ? There are many stories about the younger generation being scared to invest in the stock market because they started to invest at the peak of the market back in 2007 and lost almost everything.

MR @ Money Reasons writes Striving for Income Diversification ? Why have one income stream when you can have many? This is my attempt at creating multiple income streams.

Crystal @ Budgeting in the Fun Stuff writes How in the World Did I Get Here? ? Has anyone been transparent about how they got into their massive debt? I will share some of my story regarding my downward spiral into endless debt.

Dave @ Financial Conflict Coach writes Do Group Dynamics Influence How You Spend Your Money? ? As social creatures, we?re drawn to groups. In these groups, each of us assumes a specific role. These roles may have an effect on the way you spend or save money.

Wayne @ Young Family Finance writes How to Work Your Way Out of Debt Quickly ? Many young families are struggling to get out of their debt. As a result of college expenses and traditionally lower salaries, overcoming large amounts of debt can be quite the challenge.

Luke @ Learn Bonds writes Why We Don?t Need the Fed ? Summing up the argument for why we do not need the federal reserve and would be better off with another system.

Invest It Wisely @ Invest It Wisely writes Living to 100 and Beyond: Building Your Portfolio ? This is the third in a series of articles on living to 100 and beyond. In this article, I discuss the investment vehicles needed after retirement!

Eddie @ Finance Fox writes Financial Infidelity ? A Growing Concern On The Rise ? Nearly 60 percent of women, and 50 percent of men admit to some form of financial infidelity.

Jester @ The Ultimate Juggle writes Myrtle Beach ? The Perfect Affordable Family Vacation ? The following are some of the reasons that my family like to vacation down in Myrtle Beach for our primary family vacation

Evan @ My Journey to Millions writes Why Is Yield Less Important than Yield on Cost When Dividend Investing? ? It is my hope that one day Future Evan and The Wife will be able to turn off dividend reinvestments and have a legitimate viable stream of income that has kept up with inflation since I am buying only stocks that have increased their dividend for over 25 years.

Dr. Dean @ The Millionaire Nurse Blog writes Dementia And Your Money ? Does your retirement planning guard against the risk of decreased mental capacity as you age? Mental decline can happen even if you take steps to avoid it.

Tushar @ Start Investing Money writes What Are Some Company Names and Stock Symbols? ? Company names and stock symbols are commonly confused. Read these examples of confusion!

Miss T. @ Prairie Eco Thrifter writes Keep It Simple: Strategies for Financial Security ? What you need to know now, is small steps you can take on a daily basis, to ensure your financial security and peace of mind. Here are some ideas to help you get started.

Maria @ The Money Principle writes Do you really need insurance? ? We all need insurance because shit happens; and when it hits the fan we have to be protected. If you are thinking that while this is true, the statistical probability of something happening to you is pretty slim you are wrong. For two reasons, read more to find out why!

SFB @ Simple Finance Blog writes Battle of the Bulk: Costco, Sam?s Club, & BJ?s ? I?ve broken down the membership costs of some of America?s biggest bulk retailers for you.

JP @ My Family Finances writes My Biggest Money Mistake ? My biggest money mistake ended up being a chain reaction of mistakes.

Jeremy Waller @ Personal Finance Whiz writes My Search for Residual Income ? Over the last 5 years I have constantly had a number of side projects to earn an extra income. In most cases it wasn?t much, maybe a couple hundred per month. There have been a few times I did really well and brought in over $1,000 of extra income.

PPlan @ Provident Plan writes No Medical Exam Life Insurance ? Many insurance companies require that applicants for life insurance undergo a medical examination before they will issue a policy.

Jon the Saver @ Free Money Wisdom writes Can You Become a One-Car Household? ? If you?re interested in cutting your living expenses radically the best way to do that is by eliminating big expenses.

Nathaniel M. Pulsifer @ http://www.annuitystraighttalk.com/ writes Get Realistic About Retirement Income Needs ? As it turns out, most pre-retirees have unrealistic income assumptions based on their assets, according to a recent survey of advisors. Plus, while asset distribution is a critical issue with consumers and advisors, there is hardly any consensus as to how best to meet that challenge.

Nathaniel M. Pulsifer @ http://www.annuityace.com/ writes State Pension Shortfalls- The Ugly Truth ? The Pew Charitable Trusts recent report highlights some seriously deficient states in need of either major funding increases, or major benefits decreases. Pensions shortfalls area measure of many different assumptions, but states, just like individuals, are crimped in a low rate environment.

John @ Married (with Debt) writes Free Debt and Budget Spreadsheet ? A debt and budget spreadsheet is an essential tool to help you take control of your money and get out of debt. Get a free spreadsheet here.

Corey @ 20s Finances writes 7 Ways To Pay Off Your Student Loans Quickly ? I am an advocate of paying off your student loans quickly. With the average graduates student loan bill coming in around $24,000 many feel overwhelmed with the standard 10 year repayment plan. This post is designed to show you ways how you can make a big dent in your student loan balance and get rid of the debt quickly.

Ryan @ Early Retirement Investments writes 7 Savings Steps to Take Before Retirement ? Here are 7 saving steps to take before retirement. Are you making them?

@ You Have More Than You Think writes Seriously, You Really Do Have More Than You Think: How to Earn Extra Cash With Ordinary Stuff ? Use what you have?right now?to bring in extra cash. You don?t have to wait until you start a business or get a raise to increase your income.

Corey @ Steadfast Finances writes 5 Tips to Help You Land a Job Out of College ? Find out how you can get a job out of college. Learning these tips will improve your changes of making a decent salary.

krantcents @ KrantCents writes The 3 T?s of Success ? The 3 T?s of Success is the twentieth in a series of articles to help you reach your goal.

Aloysa @ My Broken Coin writes How to Negotiate A Raise From an Insider?s Point of View ? I have to admit that supervising people can be a very rewarding experience. It also can be frustrating, sometimes even maddening. People come to me with different set of problems. Some like to complain about others. Some like to ask for advice or direction they need to take with a project.

YFS @ Your Finances Simplified writes My 1000 Dollar Budgeting Mistake and How You Can Avoid it ? I want to talk to you about budgeting. I am actually going to give you a story about budgeting mistakes. By this time I feel that you should know how to budget. But, if not, I will create another video.

Sustainable PF @ Sustainable Personal Finance writes Staycation: Better for Your Wallet and the Environment ? By staying home during your time off you save money and the planet.

harry campbell @ Your Personal Finance Pro writes 401k Plans Only Work if You Contribute ? From time to time, I?ll read about how bad 401k plans are for investors like you and me. Apparently, most people don?t even realize they?re paying fees on top of other fees to invest in certain funds. And while a minority of companies do it right, by providing low cost index and ETF funds, most, sadly do not. It?s up to you the investor, to thoroughly research your asset allocation and the funds you plan to invest in. But all these points become moot if you don?t contribute enough

Kevin @ Thousandaire writes I Paid Off $33,850 in Student Loans in 4 Years ? I graduated from college four years ago with almost $34,000 in student loan debt. I paid off the last dollar and now I?m saving for a house.

Jason @ Work Save Live writes How to Invest in Consumer Debt ? How to Invest in Consumer Debt Many investors are familiar with investing in corporate and government debt through the purchase of bonds. Bonds are often attractive because they?re considered one of the safer types of investments. This is especially true of U.S. Treasury bonds which are guaranteed by the U.S. government.

Hank @ Money Q&A writes Killer Stock Characteristic #4 ? Dividend Growth Rate ? A company?s dividend growth rate is a good proxy for how much their share price should also grow. A company?s share price is the present value of all its future cash flows.

Daniel @ Sweating the Big Stuff writes Would You Rather Have One-Time or Passive Income? ? I think personal finance bloggers have an unhealthy obsession with creating passive income. It sounds great, but they?re giving up lots of money!

101 Centavos @ 101 Centavos writes What You Know Ain?t So ? Or rather, what you know may not necessarily be so. Conventional wisdom has a conventional way of being frequently turned on its head. Myths get bust?

Ashley @ Money Talks Coaching writes Summer Plans ? My kids are on summer break. Usually I talk about it quite a bit leading up to the last few days of school. I didn?t this year.

Amanda L Grossman @ Frugal Confessions writes We Were Swindled, in Our Own Home ? We were so swindled and managed over the last 45 minutes that we literally escaped to the top of our two-story home and shut the door to my office to regroup. I am not even close to exaggerating.

Kanwal @ Simply Investing writes Are You An Investor Or Speculator? ? Are you an investor or speculator? Or are you a speculator thinking that you are investing? Over the years I?ve heard people say things like, -I?m going to play the stock market. I?ll gamble a few hundred dollars on this stock.

Ted Jenkin @ Your Smart Money Moves writes Take The Lump Sum Or The Pension? ? You have spent 20 or 30 years working for the same company and now it is time to retire. You have put money away in your 401(k) and some other savings, but your really large asset is the pension plan where money has been put away for you all of these years. Your human resources or benefits department sends you this large packet of information telling you what options you have with your pension. Unbeknownst to you, they tell you that you can either get one check in a lump sum or they off

A Blinkin @ Funancials writes How To Get A Job and Girlfriend ? Have you ever been without a job? I have heard that, aside from losing a child, being unemployed is one of toughest experiences to go through. If you have been fortunate enough to have not experienced this anguish, lets find another angle.

Jen @ Master the Art of Saving writes Avoiding Having Kids Costs Money Too ? There are a ton of posts out there that talk about the cost of having kids, but not many (or any) about the cost of not having kids. While we already have a kid and know how expensive it is, our goal since then has been to not have any more kids. Oddly though, avoiding having kids can still cost money.

Investor Junkie @ Investor Junkie writes Magic Formula Investing ? The Magic Formula described by Joel Greenblatt looks for undervalued companies based on earnings yield and returns on capital. Here are the steps to implement this strategy:

Peter @ Bible Money Matters writes Lending Club Returns Now Above 12%. Lending Club Receives $15 Million in Funding ? My Lending Club account has continued to improve over the last few months as my returns have now surpassed the 12% threshold I was aiming for, reaching 12.06% net annualized return this month.

Jeff Rose @ Good Financial Cents writes How To Repair Credit After Bankruptcy ? ave you recently filed for bankruptcy? Are you feeling defeated and thinking there is no way you will ever be able to repair your credit?

Kyle @ The Penny Hoarder writes Smart Phone App Pays You to Look at Displays While Shopping ? Surely there is an app that will pay you while you shop? As it turns out, there is such an app and it?s called EasyShift.

PITR @ Passive Income To Retire writes 3 Lessons to Boost Your Positional Leadership ? Most people need to begin a career at the bottom of the totem pole, then work their way over the years to a more prominent position in the company.

Sicorra @ Tackling Our Debt writes Tips for Couples Traveling on a Tight Budget - If you are a couple living on a tight budget is it still possible to travel and enjoy yourself? You bet it is! Check this out to learn how.

Paul Vachon @ The Frugal Toad writes How to Travel Cheap at the 2012 London Olympics ? Using London and the Olympics in the same sentence almost always means expensive. You would be surprised how cheaply you can stay in London. Read on and I?ll show you how!

Michael Kitces @ Nerd?s Eye View writes The Impact of Investment Costs on Safe Withdrawal Rates ? While investment expenses do have a real cost, it has far less of a spending impact than most assume; because of how investment expenses decline when portfolios decline, a 1% expense ratio might reduce a 4% withdrawal rate not to 3%, but instead to 3.6%.

Daisy @ Add Vodka writes Trick Yourself Into Saving Money ? In the past couple of years, my income has doubled, and so has my desire to buy, buy, buy.

Passive Income Earner @ The Passive Income Earner writes How To Know If You Have A Debt Problem? ? Many people make far more money than they really need to live. However, somewhere between lifestyle inflation and the requirement to make large minimum payments on debt balances each month, many who earn a sizable income are struggling to make ends meet and are living paycheck to paycheck. Debt is an issue that those in all income brackets must contend with.

Suba @ Broke Professionals writes Professional Profiles: Sarah, the International Grad Student ? My best friend earned admission to graduate school across the pond. Turns out, she?s not the only American flocking to Britain for business school.

Sean @ One Smart Dollar writes Mortgage Broker vs Mortgage Lender ? What is the difference between a mortgage Broker and a mortgage lender?

Mr. Money @ Smart on Money writes Boost Your Deductible and Save on Insurance ? While many people acknowledge the importance of insurance, no one likes to premiums. If you want to reduce your costs, one of the best ways to do so is to boost your deductible.

Beating Broke @ Beating Broke writes Don?t Leave Retirement Savings on the Table ? You?ve got to think about your retirement sooner or later. And, the sooner you start thinking about it, and preparing for it, the better off you?ll be when it comes time to face it.

Robert @ The College Investor writes Are Bonds Better than Stocks Right Now? ? People value this protection for their money, and in turn, are willing to pay a premium to keep their money from losing value. This is why you should look into building a diversified bond portfolio. By mixing different bond types and bond lengths, you could still get the safety of bonds while boosting your returns.

Nathan @ Everyday Money Info writes Employer Not Matching Retirement Contributions; Should I Still Participate? ? There are factors other than just whether or not an employer matches contributions when deciding whether or not to participate in their retirement plan

Teacher Man @ My University Money writes Why You Should Take Out Student Loans ? One of the biggest financial mistakes I made while going to school was NOT taking out some student loans money.

Teacher Man @ Young And Thrifty writes TFSA vs RESP Contributions ? n the past we have compared RRSP and TFSA accounts, and RESP vs RRSP accounts, so today we?re going to do a head-to-head comparison of TFSA vs RESP contributions.

Kraig @ Young, Cheap Living writes 10 Things That Made My Dad The Greatest ? Father?s Day has been a little awkward for me ever since I lost my dad, 11 years ago, at 17. This Father?s Day, I reflected on just how lucky I am to have had the great dad I did by describing what made him the best dad I have ever known. It really helped turn my sadness into gladness this Father?s Day.

SB @ One Cent at a Time writes 51 Ways to Get Out Of Debt ? A Harvard Business School Graduate recently made headlines for paying off a $90,000 debt load in just 7 months. It?s an amazing accomplishment and shows that it can be done. Here are not one or two but, 51 ways to do that.

SB @ Finance Product Review writes WalMart MoneyCard Review ? A Prepaid Card for Everyone ? This is a prepaid debit card with a difference, no bank account is actually associated with it, though you can have your salary directly deposited to the card account.

Andy S @ Saving to Invest writes Can I Make 401K or IRA to Roth IRA Conversions in 2012 and 2013? ? Key rules and criteria for making retirement account contributions in 2012 and 2013?

Thanks for being a regular reader at I Am 1 Percent. I appreciate the time you are taking to read what I am writing. In case you haven't already done so, please subscribe to receive email updates when there is new material.

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