Sunday, February 5, 2012

Final Countdown - The Ottley Family

Last Saturday was my baby shower.

I always worry people won't *really* come. This is a big reason why I don't like parties because I just am scared people won't show up.?

(Heck I even?struggle planning play dates because I JUST KNOW it will fall through!)

But surprise!

People did come!

And I had a GREAT time!

Whitney and Mom were the super party planners!

Whitney went above and beyond the call of duty with the decor and mom (as always) made a delicious spread of food!

There were about 20-25 people who came and a few kiddos.

Teagan and I were spoiled rotten!

(And we secretly LOVED every minute!)

?I left the shower feeling much better about Teagan's arrival. We now officially have everything we need!

The week before the shower I was telling Chadd that Teagan may very well be rockin' the dino jammies Gavinn wore. :) Thankfully she has enough of her own jammies now that she won't need to.?

(But we might still sneak her into them- because they were our favorite cuddle jammies with Gavinn!)

?If the baby shower wasn't enough love in one day-

I came home to a TOWER of diapers from my school staff!

(We have since got several MORE packages too!)

What a huge help this will be!

I fell asleep on Saturday feeling overwhelmingly loved and appreciated!

My pregnancy has been going very well.

*My fluid levels are back up and?have been very consistent and normal for several weeks now.

(Doc still isn't sure what caused the drop- he says it's completely normal for it to fluctuate the way it did. He just wanted to keep an eye on it.)

*I have little aches and pains.

*I don't sleep well- but that comes with the territory.

*I usually come home pretty beat (okay, exhausted) but Chadd has been a champ at letting me sit for as long as I need.

*I'm up to a whooping 3 pound weight gain.

(a perk I'm attributing to working and keeping?up with a busy little fella. PLUS the fact I weighed more than I wanted to due to?stress weight?when getting pregnant with this kiddo! For the record Doc said he's not worried about my gain or lack there of at all. My?body and?baby are both very happy?and healthy. I only gained 12 pounds with Gavinn so I wasn't expecting much of a gain.)

?*I?found a?2nd stretch mark last night (I know- I know-

* I have been having more contractions than I did with Gavinn, which is normal and expected?with a 2nd+ pregnancy.

(They aren't knocking the wind out of me, but there are some I certainly have to slow down for and really focus on.)

My Doc had a little vacay planned to Hawaii for 1 1/2 weeks.

Before he left he made it very clear that Teagan had better stay in there until he got back...

He left on a Wednesday and the following Monday I thought we may be having our grand entrance-

After consistent contractions which were increasing in intensity and getting closer together... they stopped at about 3 AM.

I was very thankful for this. Am I the ONLY one who remembers the newborn phase? I'm really in no big hurry to get her out here... also- with my Doc gone- I didn't want a particular "Doctor Fanny Pack" (my nickname for him) to delivery this kiddo.

Doc had a lovely vacation and?finds himself a comedian. I got several picture texts with the following scenery



I replied something about wanting to make him feel guilty by telling him my water had broke... but with a view like that? I don't think I could have said anything to make him feel guilty. :)

He finally decided to drag himself back from paradise and I feel much better knowing he is a 10 minute drive away.

In fact- I may or may not have given Teagan official persmission to join us anytime now.

I'm dilated to a solid 2 1/2cm and at least 70% effaced.

He said induction or not I won't be pregnant past Thursday.

Thursday I'm scheduled to be induced (being Docs on call that day). We are hoping for the call in the evening (I'd like a Feb 10th birth)- but we will take what we can get.

This organizational freak in myself can't help wanting to plan it all out. It did after all work out so well with Gavinn's birth! I honestly want the exact same and beautiful experience as I had with him.

I think my anxiety of her arrival is over and being sad at how it will change Gavinn's little world. He's excited about her coming.?He will bring her toys, call for her, and ask when she's coming.

Last night he said, "Teagan is sad." I asked him, "Why?"?His response: "Her wants me. Come here baby Teagan ::kissing sounds:: Come here."

Here's a little video of a typical Teagan call- it's not the best quality- but you'll get the idea:

(Hopefully he's singing the same tune in a week or two!)

I feel blessed to be surrounded by so many family members! I know they would drop everything to come play with him or take him on a little one-on-one date. He is such a loved little boy and a sibling will not change the amount of love he receives- I feel much better knowing this.

?I'm becoming more excited each day and can't wait to meet this little gal! Our bags are packed, we pulled out her bed last night, and started painting the room. Now we just wait.

I hope she's 1/2 as cute as Gav- looking at his newborn pictures make me remember the few?GOOD parts of having a newborn.

So friends- Here's to a happy and PRODUCTIVE ::wink::wink::

39th week!

And unless something blog-worthy comes to our attention in the next 5 days-

our next post should be a pretty big announcement!?

{Please keep us in your prayers!}


jeremy mayfield occupy oakland general strike occupy oakland general strike mike quade mike quade sticks and stones sticks and stones

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