Monday, February 20, 2012

Different entertaining | Gilraensblog

Most friends and family that come over for entertaining come late in the afternoon for dinner. SO and I know just how to organise this pretty well now. Today we had friends over for a late lunch. It was easier for them as they have a nearly one year old son.

This threw up a few new issues for us in the category ?how to organise? which we then made more difficult with the ?SO away on business? sentiment. Luckily for us I had planned to have a Friday me-day, now turned into a ?let?s get everything sorted day?. No complaints there as I still had plenty of me time, just had to really have a to-do list.

So I got up at my normal time 06.15, did yoga had breakfast. By 08.00 the supermarket opened and I walked in 3 minutes later and did the majority of the shopping. The rest of the shops were not open yet, so I went home. Then I had my sewing time until 12.30 in which time I managed to sew up two yoga pants. 12.30 was lunchtime and then off to the city for second rounds ? a little me-shopping for lace and buttons, only to find that the lady of the knitting shop recognises me even outside the store (Ok I know her sister as well so that may help :-) ), then off to the stamp shop to buy FIL?s birthday present, followed by the nice cheeseshop for entertaining stuff and finally my green grocers for the fresh food and veg section.

I decided that a cup of tea was a requirement at this stage, then I set off to bake muffins (chocolate and pistachio and lemon blueberry) As soon as that was ready I set out on cutting veg for the soup (pumpkin, paprika, carrot and tomato), but not before I kissed my SO happily when he arrived home. After the soup was finished dinner was prepared. The evening was spent on the couch snuggling up to SO and with some knitting. I slept well ;-)

This morning was more shopping, SO preparing the tortilla and mayonaise. I made the wraps with smoked chicken, salmon and ham/cheese. While SO cleared the house. We were finished about 30 minutes to spare. They arrived spot on 14.00 Phew!

The afternoon was relaxed, fun and really nice. The food and people were super. Their little boy is mostly curious but does not take centre stage. He was more than happy just playing on our Fatboy. What we noticed the most was how relaxed these parents are. Just one normal sized bag with stuff, happily only keeping sort of half an eye and ear out but no major fuzzing. Loved their attitude and their just as relaxed little boy. Mind you these people are due to get married in June and that too seems to be rather relaxed.

Around 17.00 they took off again and now we have the whole evening to ourselves. So yes I had to organise myself a little differently yesterday, but I did enjoy my day a lot. I got to wander around town, get to do some shopping and really the weather was so nice, that in fact it was a treat to be outside. I am having a great weekend and I have one more day to go! The simple things in life sometimes can really make you happy.


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