Monday, January 28, 2013

Lovetrack ? it?s not what you think?

I love riding bikes. I rode bikes as a kid, like everyone else, but I started again as an adult when I hit my mid-50s and health problems started rising. I quickly became addicted. Due to global climate change and the push-back against car-dominated design, there’s a new interest in bicycling all over the country [...]


george zimmerman charged big sean sherri shepherd sherri shepherd arkansas razorbacks trisomy 18 ozzie guillen

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Poor Security Policies Lead to Disastrous Customer Service


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Currently Being Moderated

Security is about preventing loss.? But be careful, as instituting poor security policies can drive away customers and impact your business.?

This is a story of how a financial institution is doing security wrong.?

Policy Failure Letter.jpgI have been a customer of a local credit union for nearly 40 years.? It has a few branches, online services, and prides itself on customer service.? My account was open at a very young age and had since moved away but always kept my account active and enjoyed a number of the financial service offerings over the years.?

The problem began in a benign manner.? I recently moved and was changing my mailing address with my various financial, health, and business accounts.? In today's web-centric world, it is pretty easy to accomplish.? In every case except one, I would login to the organization's website with my credentials and provide my new address.? In some cases I would have to provide additional information for verification, but the process was smooth.? They quickly followed up with an email notification or a card in the mail at the previous address as a measure to detect fraudulent submissions.?

Then came my credit union.? Their website requires a User ID, password, and additional validation of challenge-response questions if connecting from an unrecognized or public PC.? It even sports an anti-spoofing feature where an image previously selected by the customer is provided as part of the login.? All wonderful security measures which I applaud.? However, it lacks a friendly user interface to edit profile details.? With no obvious way to change my mailing address online, I called the support number and was informed I needed to write a letter requesting a change of address, provide my account number, and signature, and send it via US mail to their offices for processing.? Although inconvenient, I followed the instructions.?

A few days later I received a voicemail at my home number, which was on record with the credit union, and was informed they received my written request but did believe my signature was authentic and therefore declined my change of address.? What??

I called again and at their request provided my account number, date of birth, and last four of my social security number, home phone, email address, and mobile phone number to validate my identity.? After providing all that was requested in addition to details about my account history which would not be on any recent statements, I explained my issue to the supervisor in charge.? I was informed they could not readily locate my written request but reassured me it should be around somewhere and instructed me to either come into a branch, which is nearly 2 hours away, or photocopy my driver?s license and fax it in.?


I refused to be a part of such "security theater" (as Bruce Schneier would say).? I asked why all this is necessary to change my mailing address?? With the information I provided on the phone or necessary to login online, I can electronically transfer funds to external accounts, receive a personal loan, reset passwords, request checks, and change all other contact data in my profile.? Why the elevated security for a mailing address change??

Here is my favorite part.? The supervisor, in his best authoritarian voice told me it is for my protection, that I probably wouldn't fully understand the security risks, and that is was 'required by law'.? When I told him I am a security professional of 20 years, have consulted banks, and work as a computer security strategist for one of the most prominent companies in technology, his voice went soft.? I explained how the additional controls provided no appreciable value and how the rest of the industry follows more rational practices.? I challenged the representative to identify the regulatory requirement, because none exists which specifies a written and signed request or photocopy of a state identity as necessary to fulfill a change of address request on a basic consumer financial account.?

In the end, we came to the obvious conclusion he was simply following the company's security policy, one created with the best of intents, but lacking both insight and effectiveness to reducing the risk of loss.? It is in fact counter-productive, causing frustration on behalf of the customer and consuming employee resources for no appreciable risk benefit.?? Regardless of the absurdity, as good employees, they are bound to adhere to it.? I don't fault them, rather the management who instituted the ill-advised policy.? We were at an impasse, my stubbornness against their policy.?

As I am a fan of economic models and democracy, I have chosen to vote with my wallet.? I abandoned my goal of an address c


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Building a garden at Shangri La House ? Sow and So

This is a post by Guest Blogger Raiye Rosado Cichon.

Raised beds

I had to lose a lot of my previous life in order to find this place I am in now. One of the more painful things to me was losing the home at which I had created a raised bed garden. I was so very proud of the fact that I had salvaged the wood from someone?s trash pile, hauling it to the house in a tiny car stacked to the roof. It was lovely. I have missed it and really, I have missed gardening.

Planning a Garden for Shangri La House

Forever home

It wasn?t really possible for me to garden until now. I know it is possible to garden in rental properties but really, I just didn?t want to expend the time investment until I was somewhere to stay. This past summer, we found our forever home, bought it and we are now settled into our future. ?It?s a lovely home, with plenty of space for our large family and a large backyard that abuts to a beautiful park with a playground, ball field and .4 mile track. ?It is truly our Shangri La.

Although it is January and the sky intermittently spits out snow and my breath makes clouds in the air when I go outside, I am already thinking about my first garden here at Shangri La House. Since I?ve been out of the game for a while, I reached out to my friends at SowandSo?for some guidance and inspiration. I?m going to be documenting the process and hopefully my family will be eating some delicious, homegrown fruits and vegetables this season.

Compost Heap

Before that ground thaws and I can get my hands dirty, there are a few things I can do to get ready. ?The first was setting up my compost heap. My first heaps were made with chicken wire and fence posts and they worked quite well. ?This time, though, I will be using the Presto Geobin Composting System.?It?s a simple and customizable design that is inexpensive and reasonably attractive and it seemed to be the perfect way for me to begin composting here.

Setup was relatively easy but I would recommend having a second person to assist as the bin is quite unwieldy when you first uncoil it. I opted for a 3 foot diameter this time, securing the sidewalls with the included plastic nuts, washers and bolts. Next was threading the four poles through the walls, which had me cursing at first, but by the fourth pole I was able to do it with ease.

Planning a Garden for Shangri La House
Last was selecting the right spot in the yard and tapping the support poles into the ground. I chose a spot that is next to the fence and will be partially shrouded by the foliage of the bushes when spring hits. I put a bed of leaves, crumpled newspaper and shredded cardboard in the bottom and will begin collecting kitchen scraps today. ?I can?t wait to get a nice, steamy compost going!

Planning a Garden for Shangri La House

photo(1)This is a post by Guest Blogger Raiye Rosado Cichon. Although she is a moderately experienced gardener, she is also mother to five and an IT business development professional ? time is limited. She?ll be documenting her progress and sharing time-saving tips.


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Shoring Up The Nation's Crumbling Coastlines

Jeffress Williams, Senior scientist emeritus, U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole Science Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts

Robert Young, Director, Program for the Study of Developed Shorelines, Professor, Coastal Geology, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, North Carolina

Keith Watson, Civil engineer, Project manager, Philadelphia district, Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Hurricane Sandy pummeled the beaches of the Northeast, stripping away sand and dunes, and ploughing through seawalls. Can beaches be rebuilt to face fiercer storms and rising seas? And is there even enough sand to do it? Ira Flatow and guests discuss engineering the nation's coasts for "the new normal."


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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Free online support chat? - Web Hosting Talk

Hey all,
I am currently looking into what support i will need in place for my hosting business and I will have support tickets go through to WHMCS but I am quite interested in having a chat software so that people can ask questions and get a rapid response.
At this current moment in time I shall be the only agent, I am basically looking for a decent free chat solution ( my reseller provider wont let me host any chat programs so it will have to be externally hosted).
So I have came across and they seem quite good has anyone had any experience with them. Others that I have noticed are and which both also provide free options.
Anyone used these and have an opinion? Or are there any others I have missed that are worth considering?
Cheers all,


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Thursday, January 17, 2013

What Is "Defragging," and Do I Need to Do It to My Computer?

What Is "Defragging," and Do I Need to Do It to My Computer?Dear Lifehacker,
I hear people talk about "defragging" their computers all the time as a way to make it faster, but I'm not really sure what that means. What does defragging do and is it something I need to do to my computer? How often?

Defragging Dude

Dear Defragging,
"Defrag" is short for "defragment," which is a maintenance task required by your hard drives.

What Is "Defragging," and Do I Need to Do It to My Computer?Most hard drives have spinning platters, with data stored in different places around that platter. When your computer writes data to your drive, it does so in "blocks" that are ordered sequentially from one side of the drive's platter to the other. Fragmentation happens when those files get split between blocks that are far away from each other. The hard drive then takes longer to read that file because the read head has to "visit" multiple spots on the platter. Defragmentation puts those blocks back in sequential order, so your drive head doesn't have to run around the entire platter to read a single file. Image by XZise.

When You Should (and Shouldn't) Defragment

Fragmentation doesn't cause your computer to slow down as much as it used to?at least not until it's very fragmented?but the simple answer is yes, you should still defragment your computer. However, what you need to do depends on a few factors. Here's what you need to know.

If You Use a Solid-State Drive: No Defragmentation Necessary

If you have a solid-state drive (SSD) in your computer, you do not need to defragment it. Solid-state drives, unlike regular hard drives, don't use a spinning platter to store data, and it doesn't take any extra time to read from different parts of the drive. So, defragmentation won't offer any performance increases (though SSDs do require their own maintenance).

Of course, if you have other non-solid-state drives in your computer, those will still need defragmentation.

If You Use Windows 7 or 8

What Is "Defragging," and Do I Need to Do It to My Computer?Windows 7 and Windows 8 automatically defragment your hard drives for you on a schedule, so you shouldn't have to worry about it yourself. To make sure everything's running smoothly, open up the Start menu or Start screen and type "defrag." Open up Windows' Disk Defragmenter and make sure it's running on a schedule as intended. It should tell you when it was last run and whether your drives have any fragmentation.

Note: A lot of you are finding that Windows 7's "automatic" defrag leaves a lot to be desired. All the more reason you should check in with Disk Defragmenter every once in a while and make sure it's doing its job! Windows 8 seems to be much better about running it regularly.

Note that in Windows 8, you'll see your SSDs in the Disk Defragmenter, but it doesn't actually defrag them; it's just performing other SSD-related maintenance. So don't worry if it's checked off along with the other drives.

If You Use Windows XP

What Is "Defragging," and Do I Need to Do It to My Computer?If you're on Windows XP, you'll need to defragment your drives yourself. Just open the Start menu, click Run, type Dfrg.msc and press Enter. You'll open up the Disk Defragmenter, from which you can defragment each of your drives individually. You should do this about once a week or so, but if you want, you can set it to run on a schedule using Windows' Task Scheduler.

If you're using an SSD, you should really upgrade to Windows 7, since XP doesn't have any built-in tools for SSD maintenance.

If You Use a Mac

If you use a Mac, then you probably don't need to manually defragment, since OS X will do it automatically for you (at least for small files). However, sometimes defragging?particularly if you have a lot of very large files?can help speed up a slow Mac.

When You Should Use a Third-Party Defragmenting Tool

What Is "Defragging," and Do I Need to Do It to My Computer?We've talked a bit before about the best defragmenting tools, since Windows' built-in Disk Defragmenter isn't the only one. However, for the vast majority of people, Windows' built-in tools are just fine. Third-party tools are useful if you want to see which files are fragmented or defragment system files (like if you're trying to shrink a drive), but are otherwise unnecessary for most users. So kick back, let your scheduled defragger do it's thing, and forget about it!

While you're at it, check out the other maintenance you need to do to your Windows PC and Mac.



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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Social Media Marketing 101: What Is LinkedIn And How To Set Up ...

linkedin tresnicmedia Social Media Marketing 101: What Is LinkedIn And How To Set Up Your ProfileSocial media should not be a debatable approach for your business?s online marketing strategy. There are so many options of social media networks and channels (especially if you include forums and niche community sites), that you should be able to find your target customers looking for information somewhere online. Depending on your business, LinkedIn marketing may be your best option for high conversion rates for your leads.

What Is LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a professional, online social media networking website. According to their own About page,

?LinkedIn operates the world?s largest professional network on the Internet in over 200 countries and territories.?LinkedIn?s mission is to connect the world?s professionals to make them more productive and successful.?

How Can LinkedIn Help Your Social Media Marketing?

linkedin groups for lead generation Social Media Marketing 101: What Is LinkedIn And How To Set Up Your Profile

Once your profile is complete, you can leverage LinkedIn Groups to connect with potential customers and referral partners. Click the image above to learn more about generating leads from LinkedIn Groups.

While websites like Twitter and Facebook are primarily used for personal, online socializing, LinkedIn?s primary uses are professional, online networking.

This means that when you connect with others online, you already have a more formal engagement. With other social media networks, you have to go through the ?Know, Like, Trust? process. The barrier for entry over that personal level can be more difficult and at the very least is a speed bump.

LinkedIn skips over the politeness of becoming friends, then introducing your business, then trying to convert them from an online friend to an offline customer.

With LinkedIn, you can introduce yourself to prospects and strategic partners knowing that it?s more acceptable to start talking business much earlier in the relationship.

LinkedIn Marketing Basics

When you sign up for LinkedIn, make sure your profile is fully complete. Add in your education, professional experience, your skills. Be sure to have a professional looking profile picture.

LinkedIn Profile Picture Tips

  • Without having a profile picture, you may as well not have a profile.
  • Having a picture of yourself from a party or hanging out with friends won?t give your first impression as very professional.

Get Help From Others To Complete Your LinkedIn Profile

Once you have your profile set up, have people get endorse you for your skills and get some recommendations written.

After your profile is complete, join some?LinkedIn Groups?and get active in their discussions. Browse through LinkedIn Answers and see if you can help anyone with questions that they are asking relevant to your services or products.

Is LinkedIn Part Of Your Social Media Marketing Plan?

Have you set up your full LinkedIn profile, joined LinkedIn Groups or answered LinkedIn Answers questions? If you are using LinkedIn, connect with me and let?s help build our professional networks -?

Need Help Getting Leads From LinkedIn?

Our LinkedIn marketing services guarantee results. With our proven strategy, we can help you generate leads that close at a higher conversion rate.

Click here to learn about our LinkedIn lead generation service

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About Todd Giannattasio

Todd Giannattasio is a master of digital communications. He graduated from Seton Hall University where he earned his Bachelor's Degree in Communications as well as Specializing in Computer Graphics with a Certificate in Web Design. Professionally, Todd has spent time working for a small multimedia agency, one of the top four global record labels and a multi-billion dollar, international corporation. As the founder of Tresnic Media, Todd looks to bring businesses to the forefront of their markets through customer-oriented design, quality content strategies and engaging, online customer relationships. His knowledge and expertise are in all things digital. A master of web design and development, Todd also specializes in social media management and search engine optimization.


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Leaving the iPhone: How Android Stacks Up

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Tuesday, January 15, 2013
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Tuesday Highlights: AAPL investors sufficiently spooked by month-old Wall Street reports that Apple cut iPhone parts orders; stock drops into the $480s but earnings are just around the corner; cooler heads trying to calm nerves because the "whole story" is not making top news outlet headlines, but we've got plenty of reading material in our Apple/Macintosh, Op/Ed, and Finances sections today; meanwhile, a consumer group in Belgium files lawsuit against Apple claiming the company's warranty policy is "misleading and illegal"; and Russian Railways says Apple is violating their trademark in the Apple Store; despite Java updates, zero-day flaw concerns linger; InfoWorld explains how to kill the old tech dead in its tracks; Macworld shows how to lend a hand with Mac support over long distances; MacNewsWorld reviews Pixelmator, a bargain priced image editor; Kids preferred iPad mini for holiday gift; iPad more popular than iPhone for mobile marketers; DisplaySearch says Apple leads tablets, but smaller tablets seen taking over market in 2013; asymco measures iPhone 5, iPhone 4S availability; Beijing, China to house a new Apple R&D center?; Sprint GPS glitch points Find my iPhone users to poor guy's house; iPhone 5S builds suggest June/July launch; rumors say Apple's budget-minded iPhone to be mostly plastic, on track for a 2013 reveal; find the latest of Apple's granted patents down in our Hardware/Software section, big summary at Patently Apple, and AppleInsider looks at the glass-on-metal trackpad; iOS 7 wishlist over at App Advice, and Lex Friedman wants Apple to offer a mute switch for iOS notifications.

Today's MacUpdate Promo offers 50% savings on Choco 1.4. "Make the most of your photos with Choco. Design beautiful collages by incorporating your photos into more than a hundred pre-installed templates, or create imaginative free-form collages. Bring personality and style to your collages by adding color adjustments, filters, and effects."

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Tue Jan 15
"Leaving the iPhone: How Android Stacks Up" Tech.pinions 1:39 PM

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